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Female Entrepreneur Highlight: Lindsay Holder

Female Entrepreneur Highlight: Lindsay Holder

Motivated by Failure

“Every single time I failed… I felt this great sense of motivation that would drive me to something even greater — it would teach me the lessons I needed as well as give me the tools necessary to equip me for my next challenge”

Success is built on the foundation of many failures. 

Inspiring Role Models 

“I have seen the success, the hustle and the failure in both my parents which has taught me everything I know now. There isn’t a college course… on what I was lucky enough to experience as a kid, but…it has motivated me to a place where I will never stop.”

Find wisdom in the experience of other inspiring entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurship Liberates Women

“I am in control of my life, my day-to-day and my success as well as my failures.”

Entrepreneurship empowers women to design the life they want for themselves.

Rising with Detroit

Detroit just does it better. Those that didn’t grow up here do not understand, but we Detroiters… see the vision. Detroit is my family, Detroit is my community and Detroit is where my heart is at. I am eternally grateful for Detroit and I am honored to have a women- owned business in this beautiful.”

Detroit’s vibe allows female entrepreneurs to flourish and build a legacy.

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